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  3. Gogi : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    Kinda huh put the dolphin sneaks behind the shark and wacks it out the water THEN hits it with nose....and puts snot on shark..LMAO!

  4. Miri : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    buy sale viagra I think it was because family guy sometimes pushes the limit on certain jokes. If you listen to the commentary, they usually say that something is too graphic, or something about a serious issue. I know its really stupid, but if you saw the one where the supreme court dude had to put the cherry in the beer and drink it, they were going to make him pants-less, but due to respect, they at least put pants on him. I mean if your going to censor one thing, you might as well censor all of it.

  5. Raul : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    buy levitra now sooo old agreed,mofrikaantje, even seen it o german tv shows ...

  6. Roberto : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    Rox lookin real sexy in that hoodie

  7. Mike : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    if you are or have read this comment then you are cursed for life. You will have a terrible life and never get married (if you are already married you will get divorced). Only way to undo this curse is if you comment 5 videos with this exact message

  8. Spider : February 22, 2017, 00:17

    so u know...this happened off of san francisco like ten years ago at the farallon islands...and norm they dont solo hunt but she did it to protect her calf which this shows at the end....this video is just crap and like propaganda only shows u part of the story.